HKMP lets you and other people use skins while connected to a server. Some community-made skins can be downloaded here, and added with the steps below. Note that only the main Knight sprites are synchronized currently; spells and HUD aren't touched.
You will need to install the skins that your friends want to use for themselves, in addition to your own skins, and your friends need to do the same. Everyone involved should follow the guide below.
Adding the skin files
- Run Hollow Knight with the HKMP mod installed at least once, and close Hollow Knight. This is to generate some folders automatically
- Open Hollow Knight's game folder
- Steam: In your library, right-click Hollow Knight > Manage > Browse local files
- GoG Galaxy: Click the symbol next to the play button > Manage Installation > Show Folder
- Open the skins folder inside Hollow Knight's game folder
- Windows/Linux:
- macOS: Right-click
, click "Show Contents", then go into contents/Resources/Data/Managed/Mods/HKMP/Skins
- Inside this folder, add one folder for each skin you have (you can name the folder anything). Each of these folders must have both the Knight.png and Sprint.png skin files

- Once you have added all skins that you and your friends will use, run Hollow Knight once to generate more files, and close Hollow Knight again
- Inside each of your skin folders, there will be a new id.txt file with a numeric ID representing that skin. Make sure that these IDs are the exact same between you and your friends, and modify the number inside the text file when necessary to match the numbers. Do not use the same ID for different skins, each folder should have its own ID

- Take note of the ID of the skin you want to use, as you will be using that number to select your own skin in the game
Choosing your skin in Hollow Knight
Once everyone has the skin files set up correctly, start Hollow Knight and join a server that has skins enabled in its settings. To choose the skin for yourself:
- Pause the game
- Make sure to join a server. The skins will not load if you're not on a server
- At the top-right, click "Settings"
- Tweak the "Player skin ID" number to the ID you want to use